Saturday, June 12, 2010

Family Guy, Neurolux, 6/11/2010

Family Guy
ID: 209650-N

cost: $.50
Year it came out: 2007

It was the usual smokey night at Neurolux but luckily not crowded at all and La Knots were playing in the background for us to enjoy. We loaded up the game with 6 quarters because that was all we had. Our first game, Chad kept losing his ball very early on. On the other hand, I got "shoot again" all the damn time! It was great! The ball rarely went into the gutters and everything was pretty easy to navigate through.

The game also has a mini-pinball game inside in the top right corner-- "Stewie's Pinball" that you can play and earn a lot of points very quickly and easily.

Another bonus was the classic "ping" sound that was made every time the ball hit a tower of Brian in the middle of the playing field.

Out of the three game we played, Chad royally kicked my ass. The first game was 5 million to 1 millionish. Then Chad ended the last game with 10 million against my 1 million.

I wish the game had more going on in it but it was still engaging and had a long play time. Chad and I enjoyed it quite a lot.

score: B+ or maybe an A-

1 comment:

  1. There's a Family Guy machine at the airport as well. I love it too.
